Magpul is most famous for their magazines for AR platform rifles, which have become the gold standard the world over. They also make a lot of firearms accessories and tons of useful gear that helps people get stuff done. This utility organizer falls into the latter category, and is a piece of kit that is rugged and highly adaptable to whatever mission you may have at hand.
This is a small case that’s highly water-resistant, has water-resistant zippers, and a variety of pouches and pockets inside. Magpul advertises this for storing all kinds of things firearms-related, and it would be about perfect for storing a cleaning kit and some batteries for an optic, but it’s highly useful. For a student who has to carry a lot in a backpack, it’s perfect for a spare battery, some pens, a charger, and a granola bar. For an office worker, much the same and toss in a pack of gum. Especially if you move between bags, having this as a spot for your bare essentials that you always have with you makes this a deeply compelling product for a lot of folks.
Magpul Daka Utility Organizer
- Brand
- Color
Black, FDE, Red
- Material
Polymer Fabric
- Overall size of 4.5” x 7.5” x 1.75”
- Water-resistant YKK® AquaGuard® zipper
- Includes one zippered mesh pocket (6.75" x 3.75")
- Two vertical pockets (min. 4" x 3.75")
- Three elastic pass-throughs (1" x 1.25")