Breakthrough Clean launched their first cleaning product, Breakthrough Military-Grade Solvent, to respond to demand for an effective, odorless, user-safe product that worked on carbon buildup from firearms. Since then, they've developed a complete package of guncare maintenance systems through state-of-the-art research, including their brushes and kits. The Vision Series Cleaning Kit includes a brush, handle, jags, mop, oil, patches, and rod. All of these were compiled and developed to maintain your firearms at the highest level. The plastic tray keeps the entire system neat in its toolbox-style case. The battle born high-purity oil works with patches and nylon bristles to get the job done and keep your firearm in working order.
Breakthrough Vision Cleaning Kit PCC
- 4 Stainless Steel Rods
- 1 Handle
- 3 Nylon Bristle Bore Brushes (.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal)
- 3 Cotton Bore Mops (.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal)
- 1 Double End Brush
- 1 Muzzle Guard
- 1 Brass Patch Holder
- 1 Box of Patches
- 1 Box of Woolen Felts
- Brand
Breakthrough Clean Technologies
- Caliber Gauge
.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal,